f IT Office Relocation Services | Outsourcing Managed Services

IT Office Relocation Services

There are a lot of things which need managing when moving an office, some of which you may not have even considered.

By outsourcing your IT office relocation services, we will worry about the IT infrastructure so you can focus on everything else. We can liaise with all of your different providers and make sure that the services you had in your old office are ready for use in your new office as well as help manage the physical move of your equipment - ensuring your IT office relocation goes seamlessly.

Businesses can grow very quickly and sooner or later they’ll come to realisation that they’ve used every square metre of floor space and simply have to move office.  This may sound like a daunting undertaking for businesses who have been in the same office for a long time.  We offer IT office relocation services and handle these situations  all the time and have a well rehearsed process for making sure they go as smoothly as possible. 

We’ll find out what connectivity is available in your new office and provide competitive quotes for new lines to be installed in your new office and we’ll take care of the reconfiguration required on your network equipment such as firewalls and routers. We’ll provide a comprehensive plan of what needs to happen and make sure it all happens when it needs to.  We’ll even go to your new office and do a floor walk with you to check that it meets your requirements for cabling, power and connectivity and have cabling partners who can provide you with any additional cabling needs. 

We will work with your removal company and disconnect, label and prepare your IT equipment for transport to the new office and we’ll meet it at the other end and start setting it up as soon as the vehicle arrives.  We’ll make sure that your server and networking infrastructure is setup and your desktop pc’s are connected and ready to use.  We’ll prepare a desktop testing checklist for all of your services to ensure that staff can login, print, send emails, access files and access your business systems.  We’ll also make sure that your servers are cabled and powered correctly and that they’re providing all the IT services to the business that they were before they were moved. 

Just in case, we can also provide engineers on the day when your staff come to the new office for the first time, to provide immediate assistance should there be any teething issues.  We’re all creatures of habit and a change can be disruptive to the way we all work, so having a friendly face on hand to help out during this time of change can be very useful. Outsourcing managed services with Datek's IT Office relocation services allows you to focus on other aspects of your relocation. 

Read our case study on International Migration here.