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Office 365 Cloud Migration

Migrating to Office 365 is becoming increasingly popular among businesses of all sizes. If you want to migrate your business to Office 365, you can expect to receive a full assessment prior to any recommendation. This helps to ensure that your business is ready for the cloud before any migration occurs.

One common query is how their 3rd party application will integrate. We will work with your software providers to check compatibility as well as liaise with them through the project to ensure they continue working.

Not only is Office 365 hosted online, bringing a range of benefits that come with working in the cloud, but it works impeccably with the existing programs you are already familiar with.


Why Migrate to Office 365? - The Key Features

Access anywhere, anytime

Office 365 is operated on a cloud-based storage system. Data can be managed, maintained and backed-up remotely using the internet. The cloud-based storage system provides access to emails, documents and messaging from anywhere in the world at any time. All you need is an internet connection and you have access to all of your files, online 24/7! 


Improved Security

Office 365 monitors suspicious activity with regular security audits. These security audits allow for maximum security and limit the risk of intercepted files. Your business can use the same systems used by Microsoft and other enterprises worldwide to help protect email, documents, and networks.  


Enhanced Communication

Skype for Business is a communication service on Office 365 providing users with instant messaging, video calling and audio chat between computers. This is available at no extra cost and enables businesses easier communication via Skype for Business Application.

With Office 365, you can also create a password-protected portal to share large, hard-to-email files both inside and outside of your organisation, enabling the latest files or documents to be found no matter how many people are working on them - all in one single location!


Easy to use

Office 365 is easy to try, simple to learn, and straightforward to use. Using the Microsoft programs and software, there is no need for businesses to install complicated systems, or learn new jargon. Businesses can even download a trial to ensure migrating to Office 365 is the right choice for their organisation.


Additional Benefits of Office 365 Cloud Migration:

  • Scalability: As the business grows so does the solution, allowing the solution to be tailored to businesses of all sizes.

  • Always up to date: Access to the latest versions of Office products is built into the price as they become available.

  • Flexible Licensing:  A great way to license Office products compared to buying boxed products which are most likely to get thrown away.

  • High Availability: Due to the new functions of Office 365 mentioned above, it provides the promise of high availability, including a financially backed service level agreement (SLA) ensuring a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%!
  • Simpler Maintenance: No need to back up and maintain an on-premise exchange server which also means you don’t need to hire an IT Resource who knows Exchange. 
  • No Upfront Costs: No upfront costs of buying exchange server licenses, hardware and implementation with lower ongoing maintenance. 


Let Datek Help... 

Our team of IT experts have a wealth of knowledge and are here to help ensure the progress of Office 365 cloud migration is a seamless transition, providing the best cloud-based storage system for your business.

For more information on why migrating to Office 365 might be the best option for you, get in touch on 01753 540000, or email us at contactus@datek.co.uk